The Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care engaged Roses in the Ocean and Folk to facilitate a co-design process in partnership with people with lived experience of suicide for the development of Best Practice Guidelines for the establishment and/or enhancement of aftercare, postvention and distress brief support services.

This co-design supports the significant investment in suicide prevention activities, co-funded by the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments and builds on the good work already underway in some regions, along with previous evaluations, consultations and co-designs for current aftercare and postvention services.


Thirty-two (32) focus group sessions were delivered each focussing on either aftercare, postvention or distress brief support services. Two-hundred and sixty (260) voices with diverse lived experience from across the country contributed to the guidelines, and a further 157 responses were received through surveys in the Feedback Loops.

We also heard from community-led organisations who support priority populations and various communities in suicide prevention, spoke with organisations currently delivering aftercare and postvention services and engaged with PHNs around related initiatives happening across regions.

We are extremely grateful with the generosity people brought to the process and thankful for the valued contributions to such an important piece of work.

The guidelines were submitted to the Department of Health and Aged Care who are working with the States and Territories to review the outcomes of this co-design. We look forward to sharing updates of their progress over the coming months.

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For further information on this project please contact:

Crystal Paniccia
Head of Priority Populations and Partnerships
[email protected]